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Finding the Ideal Shirt Size

When it comes to fit and size, it’s always a matter of reason, balance, and judgment. The line between fitted and tight is thin but crucial, and learning to identify it takes time, observation, and, above all, common sense. If you're buying a shirt for work that you'll always wear with a tie, do you really want the collar to choke you when buttoned up? On the other hand, if you’re thinking of a weekend shirt, why even worry about buttoning the collar? In this case, focus more on the shoulder fit and the tapering.

Finding the ideal shirt size - Mens suits and clothes De Fursac
Finding the ideal shirt size - Mens suits and clothes De Fursac
Finding the ideal shirt size - Mens suits and clothes De Fursac

There are several sizing systems commonly used, including:

- S, M, L, XL, XXL

- 37, 38, 39, 40, 41: This second sizing system, which is less commonly understood, corresponds to the collar size in centimetres. To know your shirt size, you need to know your neck measurement.


Note: Other measurements, such as chest and waist circumference, can also be relevant, especially for fitted or more tailored shirts.

Finding the ideal shirt size - Mens suits and clothes De Fursac

TIP: How to Measure Your Neck Size

 To find your neck size, use a measuring tape and wrap it around the widest part of your neck, at the Adam's apple. Make sure to leave enough room for one finger between your skin and the tape.
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